Hiii all,
Assalammu'alaykum everyone, I'll hope the good thing always happens in our life.

     How long I leave this blog??  I just remember last I write my ocehan is when I still in the 4th semester, and now I am in the 8th semester. I just don't know how this blog is life, I forget to upload all of my stories here. But today I wanna share with what was happened in life.

     I know being a good person is hard, but be the original person is the best way to create your self much better.
Iyayaa bisa dibilang sekarang ini era dimana orang akan mudah untuk terdistract tentang sesuatu hal aau informasi yang masih simpang siur. How we can control our manner is depend from your thought about something. Because of that be a positive person is good way to make better situations in life.

     Now, I just realize about something that to be kind it must because from your heart, from your right intention to help or to cure some people or another organism. Bukan karena kamu ingin sesuatu darinya terus kamu memanfaatkan kebaikan seseorang untuk mendapatkan apa yang kamu mau. Honestly, itu jahat banget siii..

     Hmm well, at least look how much the struggle to finish about something. The example is when you have homework or task or other difficulties, sure, you just need a help from other people and iyaa you get it, after that in other situations your friend needs your help but you didn't want to help, or just close your eyes alias pura pura ga melihat, hmmm ohh c'mmon.. i know that the world happens is because of God have the kindness.

     Yups, now I'm still a student in some of university in Indonesia. And from the beginning i say that i'm in the 8th semester, itu artinya kalau aku bakalan akan lulus tahun ini. Nah ini niihh wkwk. Tentu saja apa yang dipikirkan mahasiswa semester akhir adalah how we can finish our skripsweet and after that find out or apply some job. Iyaa perlu disadari bahwa disaat semester tua begini, pastilah kamu akan menyadari orang orang yang ada disekitar mu. Dan hanya ada dua kategori disaat kita mau apply job, friend or not friend. 

     Memang tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa orang memiliki ego nya masing-masing. Be brave and wise to manage the ego. Hmm balik lagi deh kalau misalkan kita niat baik, niatkan jangan unuk mencari keuntungan pribadi, tapi juga perhatikan faktor lingkungan sekitar yang menjadi dasar bagaimana sikap kita untuk selanjutnya. Karena as a human, our brain is connect to our heart, iyaa bisa dihubungin lah yaa.., maka dari itu sinkronisasi perlu ada didiri kita masing-masing, especially me.

     Dan at the end, jangan pernah mengharapkan balasan kebaikan terhadap yang telah kita lakukan ke seseorang itu. Ikhlas is the best word can explain that. Karena ikhlas itu tidak nampak oleh ucapan tapi mengalir gitu aja. Walaupun kebaikan itu adalah investasi, tapi alangkah baiknya kalau kita tetap ikhlas berbuat baik itu karena ingin pure to do some kindness. Hmm iya gitulah kira-kira yaa. Semoga dapat dipahami lah maksud ocehan ini wkwk

     Iya daripada muter muter kayak es puter lebih baik udahin dulu gengs.
If you find some value about that it because you have it, but if you find about something wrong or missing, i'm sorry and give me a suggestion to make me better.

Thankyou ^^


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